Sunday, February 17, 2013

Arts and Hearts

In our house I have some serious arty kids!  We usually wait until Marielle is napping before painting, but I thought she might enjoy it.

 She loved it! Now I just give her a brush and water and she paints paper and everything she can reach! Another little artist! 
 Julianna made this sculpture and I was impressed, so she insisted I take her picture.

Cleaning brushes (or anything) in tubs of soapy water is big time entertainment for these two. 

 Valentine's Day!!! 
The girls had a blast at their school parties, and brought home lots of loot!
 Marielle helped herself. 

 . . .got one!

 Best Friends!
 Ahhhhh. .... sugar coma......
"best. day. ever." -- annelise