The last month has been JAM packed! So here is one LONG post!
We stayed at the Grapevine Wolf lodge! It is an indoor water park. The girls had a blast! Annelise asks to go back at least twice a week. While we were there we visited the Lego land and aquarium, they happened to be down the street.

Cinco De Mayo!
We are not of Mexican origin but any holiday that calls for tequila and tacos is a good one to celebrate in my book!!!
Annelise made me the little painting, and I love it! I made Juan's favorite, tres leches!
Got this idea from pintrest. You put glow sticks in the bath tub and the kids go wild!!! They sell a pack of necklaces in multiple colors at the dollar store!
Last day of school..... sniff sniff.....
Jualianna's teacher made her this picture of her holding a kitten. Wow, how she loves it!!! We miss her teacher and class soooo much!
Annelise Graduates!
Her teacher was the best ever as well!!! I can't say enough about the girl's teachers!!!
Going out to celebrate after graduation!
Dessert at the door? ??? Why yes, I would love some!
This was a baby shower my playgroup and I put together for my only reader!!! (at least I hope you are reading this, because then I would have NO readers???)
My first stuffed bunny!!! What a pain in the neck it was!!! It was "good from far but, far from good!"

Ahhh GOOD Mommy friends at a picnic table on a mild summer night... does it get any better!?!?!?!?
The Lovely Mommy herself! I think she was embarrassed to be "showered", but hey. . . what are friends for?!?!?!
Annelise's THIRD dance recital! This year's number was a tap dance, and she did pretty well.
A couple months ago the girls and I went to a library tea party. Well, I showed up in jeans and Marielle had no shoes and a onsie. The girls had on costumes, because it was supposed to be a little kids tea party RIGHT??? WRONG!!! We were about five minutes late and it was pretty clear we were EXTREMELY late! ALLL the girls with grandmas and Moms were dressed super fancy, and this was a very elegant thing! Go figure? The Library????
So I wanted a " do over", and I got it!
As usual, good company makes for a good time. . . wait, make that GREAT time!!! Like, so good we will do it again for sure!

Lake season is back!!! Annelise has a new ski trainer and she LOVES it!
Julianna HATES IT!!!
If you made it here, then you are a good friend and I love you! Take care!