Over the weekend we celebrated Julianna's second birthday. I decided to stick to the "age plus one" rule and only sent out 3 invitations.
It was hard to leave a lot of good friends out!!!
I did it mostly because I am in my third trimester and feeling exhausted.
I almost did nothing!
I loved how easy it was to plan and execute a small party!
A little look back. . .

This picture was taken on Easter Sunday. Julianna was only 4 days old. Annelise was super happy to have a sister!

Thanksgiving 2009
Below is a picture of me about the same age.
She is "mini me"

She crawled at 6 months, then knee hopped at 7 months until 16 months!

Julianna's First birthday was close enough to Easter that it was a party/egg hunt. That party was 20+ kids, a bounce castle and 5 dozen eggs!!! It was a lot of fun!

I love this picture! She is about 18 months old here
. . .same for this picture!!!
Julianna has a serious sweet tooth, so I thought a cupcake party would be perfect for her.
I let the kids do the decorating.
I set up a hand washing station since icing can be pretty messy!
Thanks for the appetizer C.B. it was yummy!!!
The look on Julianna's face was precious! She did not realize the party was for her until she heard her name in the song!
Mrs. Erika gave her this super cute bathing suit, which she wanted on right away!!!
Overall it was a great day full of good food, good friends and good times!
Dear Julianna,
You are so much fun! You light up at the most simple things.
You love chocolate ice cream, good cheese, pickles and cookies (sounds like what I ate when you were in my tummy).
You hate to be told what to do, and almost all fruits!
You have some serious energy!!!
You can climb things like a monkey. You are VERY friendly to everyone, mostly men and elderly. You like to play with the typical "boy toys" such as cars, trains, and dinosaurs.
You love to draw, only if it's with a pen or marker.
You run away from me A LOT!
I now know why they have those leashes for kids.
You don't talk very clear, but I understand you. You can recognize all the letters of the alphabet.
You LOVE music!
You like to play with your sister, but I can tell you would rather play alone.
I am so happy to have you, because you challenge me everyday!!!
I love you Julianna, you really are a firecracker!