Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fall Part II -Happy Birthday Annelise!

Happy 5th Birthday sweet Annelise!!!
You love to draw pictures of you and your sisters.

You talk like an adult, but with a disney character voice.
You sing all the time!
You are very sweet to your sisters (even when Julianna is not being nice).
You can read and write short easy words.
You love to smile at Marielle.
You crawl into our bed at least three nights a week around 3am.
You are a big time Dada's girl.
You like bacon, pizza, carrots and ranch, all fruits, pb and J, meatballs and nuggets.
You have a very creative imagination, i'm always blown away by the things you make and say!
I think you are an awesome kid!

Thanksgiving Day 2011

The town we live in hosts a Grinch "Who-Ville" in early december and the girls had their hair done complete with styrofoam inserts.
Annelise had a low key birthday party at the house, then a surprise party at Auntie Didi's on Thanksgiving Day.
Annelise lost her first tooth. . . A second is soon to follow!

Julianna had her first school Christmas party. She skipped the pizza and ate the cookie.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Dress-up

Every year I do a formal style Christmas picture for our card, but this year I decided to do a really fun "dress up" card.

The girls loved twirling around the backyard in pretty dresses! I LOVE my card this year because it is a reflection
of my little girls and their fun attitude!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fall part one

Fall has finally cooled down, so we made our way to San Antonio for Sea World!
Julianna was very upset that she didn't get to go on the raft ride.

Both girls loved feeding the dolphins.
We stayed in an awesome country hotel near the park.

The hotel had smores by the fire. Julianna just liked to let her marshmallow burn!
On Saturday we woke up to noises in the kitchen and to our surprise it was Annelise setting the table for a family breakfast! She even cut the cake from a cake stand with a heavy dome lid!
Halloween 2011.
Annelise: Bride
Julianna: Strawberry Shortcake
Graveyard hunt
The Flintstone Family

Juans Parents came to visit and the girls kept them very busy!
The Girls at the schools fall festival

Pumpkin painting.
I just want to eat you up Julianna!!!
Marielle LOVES tummy time!
Annelise had her first field trip to the pumpkin patch and she got to ride on a big yellow school bus!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Stay at home kids

I wanted to embellish some hair clips since Annelise is growing her bangs out. The girls were so focused on helping out.
These are some brads that Julianna was obsessed with organizing.
All finished. . .much better.
All that crafting desevers a treat! Normally I insist they eat this outside but it would melt before they were finished.
Marielle still is the most exciting thing around!! The few monments that she is awake the girls are all over her making her smile!
Julianna's painting
She had to stay home this day because of a runny nose and hives on her checks. Annelise got to go swiming with the neighbors.
More time at home means more mess! So I am getting the girls into cleaning!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Marielle has been keeping the house buzzing with company!!! Juan's parents have been amazing at helping me out during this busy time! My Mother in law cooks "dinner style" lunches everyday and picks up the house every night . . . it's awesome!
The picture above was the best one (getting this many people to stay still was no cake walk!)

The picture below was the awesome breakfast a girlfriend brought over! It was so yummy for the eyes and the mouth . . . and she has three kids of her own!
I was blown away by all the Moms in my playgroup that brought over dinner, we are sooooo lucky to have made some awesome friends here.
A sweet moment between sisters!

Titi Virna holding 3 week old Marielle.
Julianna has been very loving to her Abuelos!

Fun with bubbles.
Marielle at Three weeks!