About six months ago my friend Valerie asked if I could help out with her son's circus invitations. I thought, what a cute I idea so I stole it for Annelise's 4th birthday. She lent me some super cute signs and gave me lots of inspiration!
This post is just party details, the next post will have pictures of the kids having fun!
This sign was at Old Navy. The manager said they would just throw it away when they were done with it!!! I asked for it, and she said if I put my number on the back of it that they would call me when it was time to get rid of it! I could not believe it when she really called, so I took Annelise to say "thank you" at the pick up.

I got these giant balloons were at party city in a six pack. They were soooooo cool!

The kids had 10 tokens to play games for tickets so they could pick out thier own prizes. This was a huge hit.

Ariel was our clown and she was so good with the kids. She made some pretty cool balloon animals and painted some neat things on the kids faces. I heard a few Moms saying that their kids did not want their face washed that night!!!

This tent is the best thing I have ever sewn! I have no idea how I did it, so I can never repeat this again.
This is a 1960's vitntage clown game I got on Ebay.

Duck pond game with Em.
Ring toss game in an old soda crate purchased at the Flea market.

Just look at that face!!!
You are so fun, sweet and easy to love! You crack me up on a daily bases and always look on the bright side! I love watching you mature in to someone that I would consider my best friend. You love to do crafts, bake and you are asking Santa for a sewing machine!!! You also try to make sure your friends are happy when they come over to our house, you are quite the hostess! Your latest thing is to whip out of bed, make it, then dress your self!!! Your taste in clothing is something we do NOT have in common! You like loud bold prints that do not match! I like the way you wear it though, as if you look good and you know it (which is like me ;) ). Happy Birthday my little princess!