We have been super busy this summer! It seams like we are never home! If we are home, we are just packing to go somewhere else. Abuelo and Abuela came to visit for a week and they
had so much fun playing with the girls. This picture is the only picture I had from the visit. We were at the Austin's Children's Museum and they were playing with Julianna.

Annelise got to go on a "Dada Date" to the Dora live show! Juan and I agreed that Julianna is way to active to sit for a performance, so I stayed home with her. She loved it again this year and we can't wait to take them both next year!
Our good friend Harper turned 2 with the cutest western party on a real farm! Annelise just had to have these super cute pink cowgirl boots! Check out Harper's red boots!

In August we had an awesome time in Dallas for The Hottest Half Marathon. We went with some good friends and were actually able to go to a nice place to eat while the kids played in a playground (thanks to Amanda's research). 

Today's high 101! YIKES!!! We have been doing many outdoor things and getting wet most of all! We have tried to go to the lake as often as possible since Julianna is old enough to go this year. We love to go with our new military friends that also have 2 kids. They have a son named Maddox and he is Annelise's new BFF. Today we had them over for a play date and I overheard her tell him "Maddox, this is our newborn baby!" OH Lord help us! I will have to post a pic of him next time because he is as cute as can be with red hair!