Annelise loves to draw! She always wants to make cards for people and she has been drawling the same family of four for a while. In this picture she said the pink thing is a carrot.

This book was a gift to Annelise when she was one from her Tio Jose Daniel. Needless to say she was not ready for a drawling book back then but her uncle was a graphic artist (now he is a psychologist) and I am sure he knew she would be ready to draw pictures soon.

She wanted to draw the bear and I did not help at all (which she asked every step for help!!!). When she finished I asked what was the thing coming out of the right ear and she said "that is his brains!" Gross brains??? I don't know where she gets her obsession with brains? Maybe the zombies Vs. plants game she plays on Juan's phone?

I think I liked the nice family of four better?