We had a great Thanksgiving here at home with family. We ate Turkey and my brother in law William brought a pernil or pork prepared Puertorican style. The food was delicious and the company was great! Annelise had a blast with her cousins playing guitar hero and just plain hanging out. Julianna was bouncing on her cousin Etienne and Uncle's knee. She was so entertained with her cousins!

With Annelise's birthday so close to Thanksgiving I held a small neighborhood princess party for Annelise. When I asked her who she wanted to come to her third party she said "Max, just Max!" I opted to invite the kids from the neighborhood that she has spent all three years growing up with: Max, McKenzie, Melody and Jessica (A.K.A. "the twins"). I asked the guest to come dressed up like princesses because I knew how much these girls love to dress up.

Annelise described the cake she wanted and it sounded more like a wedding cake for Cinderella! I did the best I could with a box of Betty Crocker, tub of icing and a handful of colors. I added jewels to just about everything and put costume jewelry all over the table.

It was a big hit the kids had a blast and I was much less of a mess!

December came to an end with my cousin Eva Marie A.K.A. Bebita coming to interview in San Antonio for a medical residency post medical school. We are hoping she gets it so we can keep her here in Texas!!! Annelise and Julianna loved playing with her!
Finally Christmas was a big deal this year for Annelise with the movie Rudolph being her all time favorite and a tea set that was not breakable at the top of her list. We made cookies for Santa but she was far more interested in the apple we left for Rudolph, and was so excited to see the apple was gone in the morning and did not even notice the bite in the cookie I/Santa took. We spent the morning playing with the new toys then took off for San Antonio to pick up Juan's brother Jose Daniel and his new girlfriend Marielly (sp?).
In San Antonio we had a blast going to Sea World and just spending time together.
New year's day was one I will remember forever!
Annelise fell and busted open her chin around 7:00 pm. Luckily her Aunt Virna was able to take us to her clinic where she very skillfully sewed up her little niece with her first four stitches!
Annelise was super brave! She watched as her Aunt sewed her up and was more interested in the stickers she was going to receive afterwards then the fact that she was stitched up!
Happy New Years! Oh and we found out we might be moving to Kansas?!? More to come. . . I hope 2010 is ready for us "me and My Girls"!