Dora and Diego are two of our daughter's favorite shows. They are supposed to be cousins so I guess me and Juan are the incestuous versions of our characters! Hehe. The idea to be them came from Annelise insisting that she wanted to be a hyena?!?! She is a big Lion King fan. The Hyena made me think that we could do some kinda safari theme and then Diego hit me then ...duh, Dora hit!!! So that is how I came up with the ideas.

Julianna is a "Baby Jaguar" who is Diego's side kick on the show.

The food spread was AWESOME!!! Thanks to friends that came with some really good things to eat! (and drink, Thanks Jess)

The Micky Mouse came with her little mini and she was the winner of the Mummy costume prize.

Arrrg!!! This Family was so cute! The Mom said she looked through her son's stuff, but I think they have this stuff for themselves! :)

Cool picture of the kids hunting for candy in the graveyard.

My Sister came three hours early and worked her butt off!!! I love you D, you saved the day!

The winner of the Daddy costume prize was a storm trooper.

Awesome costumes HANDMADE by an Awesome mommy!

The "Outlet and Plug" got a lot of votes.

Got to love the Hockey players!
We had a awesome time this year having everyone over. Too bad it is our last in Georgetown... it was by far the best!!! Thanks to all who brought food and drinks and big thanks to all who dressed up you made it extra special!
Now I am off to get ready for Annelise's Circus party... oh boy, it has some coat tails to ride!